Together we’ll make a difference!
In January 2019, Gnosjo Global's volunteer Monica Hellström went to the city of Haldia outside Kolkata in India with the international organization Operation Smile. For two weeks, she worked there completely voluntarily as a surgical nurse.
Every three minutes a child with cleft lip and/or palate is born. In Sweden and other parts of the western world, this malformation is often already discovered during the pregnancy in connection with an ultrasound examination. They are usually operated during the first few months of life, in order to be able eat and drink properly. When they grow up, they have regular access to speech therapists, dentists, surgeons and ear, nose and throat specialists. Often the malformation, which originally is so noticeable in the middle of the face, is barely visible later.
But if you are born in a country where everyone has to pay for their own health care, for many a medical intervention becomes impossible.The children who are born have difficulties with food intake, suffer from malnutrition and eventually die. If they do grow up despite these circumstances, they often become outsiders, as many of them are not allowed to go to school, interact with family and friends, or show themselves in public. This is because many believe that the person or family is haunted by evil spirits, that they have done something for which they are being punished, or simply that the condition is contagious. Many children live hidden away in huts and dark rooms.
Operation Smile carries out 150-200 missions each year in different countries, is present in many countries and works in these places both short and long term. The staff return year after year to the same places so that the people can come back.
I, Monica, now had the privilege of being there on their behalf during my first engagement. In the first days after our arrival we unpacked material and equipment and set up a complete little hospital. We were in a wing of a former hospital that we were allowed to use. Now we set up a hospital room for care, a recovery room, a play therapy room, a patient hotel and, last but not least, surgery rooms. We had two operating tables in each room, a total of six tables. (In Sweden there is only one patient per room).
Then began the big screening day where over 230 patients and their families came and we examined all the children / teenagers who might need surgery. We check whether they have no infection or other serious illness and decide whether and what should be operated on. The families then stay in the hospital while they wait for an operation, as many have had a long journey and little money at their disposal.
Many, both children and adults, are afraid and sceptical regarding health care and surgery as they are not used to doctors and nurses.
Then, over the course of five days, we operate from early morning to late at night, giving a total of 110 children and youths an operation, and a new smile!! One operation takes roughly one hour and costs no more than SEK 2,500 - 3,500. Life-saving and life-changing. I was there in the role of a surgical nurse, which means that I prepare instruments and material ahead of the operation, assist with both administrating anaesthesia and with the operation itself, clean the area, sanitise the instruments and clear up the room after the operation.
I was one of approximately 50 volunteers from countries across the world taking part in this mission. I had bought and brought along toothbrushes, soap, mirrors and other sanitary items to give to the children and their families. I handed out clothes and toys I had received as donations; hats, socks, t-shirts, and plush toys.
It felt wonderful to in such a concrete way be a part of helping improve the life of a child, and by extension also that of its entire family.
I hope and believe that I will experience more missions with Operation Smile. So keep an eye on the media and television, they will get even more attention in the future. Malou von Sivers and Sara Larsson are well-known ambassadors of the organisation. On Youtube there are very good and gripping documentaries for everyone who wants to see more.
I want you at By Rydens to feel that you're making a tremendous contribution. With you as the main sponsor of Gnosjo Global, you enable me to participate in these vital operations and to contribute with my knowledge, dedication and things I can bring and distribute.
Thank you for following and supporting us in the social media, that means a lot to us!
Together we make a difference!!